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September 11 - 12, 2024

08:00 - 18:00

Milenium Convention Center

Rua Dr. Bacelar, 1.043 - Vila Clementino – São Paulo

2023 Speakers






2023 Speakers

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Ana Arsky

CEO e Fundadora da Startup 4 Hábitos Para Mudar o Mundo

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Lucas Pellenz

Head de Novos Negócios

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Rodrigo Pereira

Representante de Serviços Técnicos Especializado

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Augusto Dornelles

Diretor Executivo de Auditoria & ESG na Aceplas

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Auri Marçon

Presidente Executivo da Abipet

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Ederson Sotini 

Gerente de Vendas America Latina para aplicações PET



In its latest edition (2023), held in person, the event brought together 230 participants, who interacted intensely during debates and also during breaks, creating a remarkable environment of cooperation and knowledge exchange. The connection between professionals from different parts of Brazil promoted integration and engagement in the search for solutions to problems common to all participants. One of the presentations with the greatest interaction was related to the global plastics scenario, with an emphasis on reverse logistics and legislation related to recycling activities. This theme will be revisited in the new edition, with more detail.


Betting on recycling as the driving force of the circular economy for the plastics sector, but also dealing with its impact on a larger scale in economic activities, the event's program is set up in such a way as to bring together specialists in the most advanced technologies for the recovery of polymeric materials, aiming at promote the inclusion of companies in the sector in the Global Commitment of the New Plastics Economy.


Renowned researchers and professionals from the sector of large companies in the plastic and solid waste recycling sector will be present, such as BASF, EREMA, UQP and other companies, debating topics such as the development of equipments, processes, improvement of the quality of PCRs, market development, applications and new challenges.

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